Coachpreneur Judyann
  • Be An Original

    Originality. Nothing quite competes with originality.

    As I coach, consult and mentor the same tapestry-thread questions arise as those I coach weave their unique design path. Should I look like everyone else in my sphere of influence, OR do I want to stand out as an original.

    If the answer is I need and want to be an original, then you’ll need to be patient with the process, yourself and what I call the ‘becoming.’ When your eye is on the right target, the REAL target of authenticity, you have to wash off the old dust of seasons past. It’s okay to get your foot in the door with some similarity, but once in you have to stand on your own two feet and own that ORIGINAL space.

    Dare to be different, unique, authentic.

    It takes guts to stand up for the real you.

    Need help along your way?

    That’s where I come in. You’ll need a wayshower, a confidant and an expressive voice of insight. Uncommon expertise, creative insights and bullseye breakthrough clarity.

    Not more technical how to’s, but REAL INSIGHT. CLARITY. Bullseye breakthrough INSIGHTS.

    Message here today.

    Coachpreneur™Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design™LLC

  • Your Gifts Will Lead You


    Your gifts are constantly searching out new playing fields.   They point you in the right direction when you’re stuck or stymied.   Pay attention to the energy you feel when you try new venues, new styles, new ways of using your gifts.  Watch the ebb and flow, rise and fall of excitement and inherent energy as you give your gifts fresh expression.

    That’s the blessing your gifts will give you.  They lead you, direct you and often shout ever so softly THIS WAY PLEASE.

    So you listen, feel and then choose.  You choose to point the gifts in perhaps a new, yet guided direction.

    And so it begins, the exploration, discovery and excitement of stepping out.

    Remember your gifts will always make room for you.