Coachpreneur Judyann
  • Your Gifts Will Lead You


    Your gifts are constantly searching out new playing fields.   They point you in the right direction when you’re stuck or stymied.   Pay attention to the energy you feel when you try new venues, new styles, new ways of using your gifts.  Watch the ebb and flow, rise and fall of excitement and inherent energy as you give your gifts fresh expression.

    That’s the blessing your gifts will give you.  They lead you, direct you and often shout ever so softly THIS WAY PLEASE.

    So you listen, feel and then choose.  You choose to point the gifts in perhaps a new, yet guided direction.

    And so it begins, the exploration, discovery and excitement of stepping out.

    Remember your gifts will always make room for you.  




  • Hit the Reset


    When you allow yesterday to wash away, things become cleaner, brighter, fresher.  Like a refreshing spring rain, you can train your mind to visually hit the reset button and wash away any aspect of the day best left behind.

    It’s a new day, new beginning, clear and clean.

    At each day’s end, que up the next day by finding a few moments to cleanse away the happenings of all that made up today.

    • Visualize washing away the day, just like you practice your nightly ritual of cleansing your face, brushing your teeth — cleanse your mind with a few moments of visualization.  Just like waves softly coming to a shoreline imagine the day ending with the waves gently becoming slower and lapping more quietly against the sand.  With gentle sighs you too can quiet your mind,


    • Say thank you and goodnight to the day, allowing it to  slip away, knowing that tomorrow will be another fresh beginning.


    • When you awake in the morning, imagine the reset button positioned perfectly on your nightstand, easily within reach ready for you to push (just like the shutoff button on your alarm).    Practice visually pressing your personal reset button and affirming ‘today’s a brand new day full of enjoyment, surprises and challenges and the chance to rise up to each and every occasion’.


    • Throughout the day remind yourself that each choice falls perfectly in line with the RESET affirmation that you’ve set for yourself this day.


    With this brand new day I choose thoughtful actions and move through the day with positivity, clarity and fresh RESET energy.

  • Spinning Perfectly in Place


    It’s difficult to be out of control.   Not that we have all that much control anyway, but when we are faced with the unknown, especially during world and life-changing events, we want to believe we can control something.

    And that’s the good news,  we can —  our thoughts, our attitudes, our actions.  All within our control and under our power to orchestrate.   There’s beauty and satisfaction in taking charge of what is within our sphere to handle.  I’ve started reminding myself to take a deep breath when I get caught up in ‘what if’ thinking and then say aloud — I let go and trust I’m in good Hands.  I then try to go about my daily life and do my best to let it flow — and some days seem a little easier than others, and that’s okay.

    There’s comfort and assurance in knowing the world is spinning perfectly on its axis in timing orchestrated outside our ordinary mathematical ability to calculate.  And that’s the calming wave that will wash over you when you realize that you’re only required to do your part, and that you don’t have to carry the world on your shoulders!

    Get out your journal and a pen and jot down 3 things you are grateful for, 3 things you know you can control and 3 things you’re choosing to let go and give up worrying about.


    Any active part we take in choosing our day will bring great rewards.  Peace of mind will come.  Maybe in just little snippets at first, but then it will grow steadily into a protective covering over our mind.



  • Keep Dreaming, Dig Deep


    When the ‘Breaking News’ headlines bombard you day in and day out, it’s hard to not be drawn away into the sinkhole of chaos.

    It is chaotic time currently, and it’s difficult. It’s not SO difficult though that you can afford to turn your eyes and heart away from your dreams and plans. Your deep-soul desires.

    That’s where the relief comes in. When you focus forward, while attending to and paying attention to the present, but not allowing it to CONSUME you, order returns.

    Three simple reminders:

    • Limit time devoted to continuing news and redundant broadcasts.  Listen, keep abreast of important information, but set limits.
    • Make time, not FIND time, but MAKE time to mediate, pray, get calm.   Journal your thoughts and journal your insights. You’ll look back at that journal and be amazed at what you successfully moved through.
    • Stay connected to your support system via innovative methods.   Find those willing to encourage, support, comfort and uphold — curate your comforters and those you allow access to your mind-space.

    Whatever dreams, goals or plans seem to have been upended, trust that as you calm yourself and focus forward, your life will follow suit.  This too shall pass.

    It’s now about ignoring the obvious, it’s about CHOOSING what you want to be front and center right now.

    Focus Forward.

    Coachpreneur™Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design™ LLC