Coachpreneur Judyann
  • The Little Difference-Maker


    Sometimes just ‘changing it up’ can make all the difference in your day.

    If it’s a Saturday filled with running errands, cleaning or yardwork, what could be different if you put down the rake, set aside the vacuum cleaner or  tuck the grocery list away — just for the time being.


    First, spend the time you need to recalibrate and strengthen your inner being.  Is it through prayer, meditation or some quiet time of journaling your thoughts and feelings.  That time spent just for you, with you and from you will set the gauge for a far more productive day.

    It’s amazing when you take the time to reset your inner compass, the time can seemingly stand still as you create new space for fresh energy to accomplish all that you originally intended.  Those moments give you the breath of fresh air you need  to allow your day to unfold more intentionally and smoothly.

    Give it a try, and see for yourself the difference it can make.


    Insights Coach Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design®

  • Stay Pliable


    Today’s Word of Encouragement:


    It is just the right time for cleansing, clearing and CLARIFYING the path and purpose on your current designated journey.

    Previous well-worn ruts have been washed away. Old paths have grown over with fresh, lush greenery.  Here’s a visual to help remind you the road will twist, turn and change.  You’ve come this far through all of its meanderings.  At each twist and turn, take note.  You’ve indeed travelled far.   Keep moving forward though because with each new turn fresh insight awaits, and even the most seasoned pilgrim gains fresh hope.

    No doubt for you, as for many,  it is a time of refilling, refining and perhaps reDEFINING where you’re going and what you’re actually all about.


    Enjoy the respite, STAYING close to God’s heart for you — filled with encouragement, strengthening and renewed energy.  God always finds way to touch you with new joy, and always ‘in the midst of’.  In the midst of wherever your journey finds you.


    If there are some closets that still need cleaning, you’ll clean them in fresh new ways.  Trust that knowing.  You have time to clean some closets that may have long been neglected.


    Are you in business?  Allow new  tools, trade and training needed specifically for this season to come into your line of sight with perfect timing.


    Stay pliable, stay flexible and in touch. It is not a time of frustration but fulfillment.   Whether business, personal or relational — STAY PLIABLE



    Brilliant Life by Divine Design™ LLC | Coachpreneur™Judyann

  • Follow the Energy


    July 18, 2020

    If you’re going for something, really GOING for something, you have to be willing to reach high and dig deep.

    Reaching High

    Like a fine vase.  On that oh-so high top shelf.

    You’re going to need a well-balanced stepping stool to reach that top shelf, where it’s been carefully placed for safekeeping.

    And when you grab the stepping stool, slap it down in a close-enough place thinking you can make a quick climb, you find out all too soon your poor judgment as you and the stool topple over.  Thankfully you didn’t take the vase with you.

    Second go around.  You carefully position the stepping stool for your best advantage to safely reach the top shelf, steady yourself and carefully bring the vase securely to the countertop.

    It’s like that in anything new, different and extraordinary that you want.  Sometimes that vase (your dream or desire)  has to be carefully reached for. Step by guided, well-placed step.

    Digging Deep

    Whatever’s hidden deep within sitting right next to that dream will be the obstacle or obstacles you’ll have to overcome to set that dream fully free.

    Some say you’re foolish, it’s out of your reach, it’s too high, too late.   Just settle for something ordinary. You may be fighting with yourself about that deep desire of your heart.

    But then the dream begins to ache and quiver in your soul again.  And you know it has a life all its own and will come to pass, if you nurture and care for it.

    Whatever word you find to shout down the inner or outer naysaying, find it.  One I heard years ago was from one of Nathaniel Branden’s teaching tapes is ‘balderdash’.  Love that word.

    So, balderdash.  In other words, ‘nonsense’. 

    Start affirming –  I will receive what has been placed inside me to dream, nurture and hold close until its fruition.

    That carefully hidden dream is your key to new life.


    Reach High.  Dig Deep.   Follow the Energy.  


  • Be An Original

    Originality. Nothing quite competes with originality.

    As I coach, consult and mentor the same tapestry-thread questions arise as those I coach weave their unique design path. Should I look like everyone else in my sphere of influence, OR do I want to stand out as an original.

    If the answer is I need and want to be an original, then you’ll need to be patient with the process, yourself and what I call the ‘becoming.’ When your eye is on the right target, the REAL target of authenticity, you have to wash off the old dust of seasons past. It’s okay to get your foot in the door with some similarity, but once in you have to stand on your own two feet and own that ORIGINAL space.

    Dare to be different, unique, authentic.

    It takes guts to stand up for the real you.

    Need help along your way?

    That’s where I come in. You’ll need a wayshower, a confidant and an expressive voice of insight. Uncommon expertise, creative insights and bullseye breakthrough clarity.

    Not more technical how to’s, but REAL INSIGHT. CLARITY. Bullseye breakthrough INSIGHTS.

    Message here today.

    Coachpreneur™Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design™LLC