Coachpreneur Judyann

Divine Insights Coaching



Divine Insights Coaching Sessions are one-on-one personal consulting / coaching, mentoring sessions with CoachpreneurJu dyann | Your Personal  Savvy Insights Coach    

Each session is  specifically designed and Spirit-led to encourage, bless, inspire and equip you through divine insights, bullseye breakthrough coaching and consulting.

As a Life Confidence Coach, intuitive visionary-seer and seasoned businesswoman, Judyann is uniquely equipped, spiritually anointed and divinely designed to help you uncover, discover and recover every aspect of your joyful, brilliant life — through insightful and inspirational coaching, consulting and mentoring.  Having successfully weathered several life storms, her empathy gifting kicks in for the compassion, sincerity and integrity that will encompass your time together.

 Are you moving in new directions, transitioning to a new phase of your life?

Working through to a brighter spot in your personal relationships?   

Are new life paths presenting themselves and you’re in a quandary as to which direction to take? 

There are times when clarity is elusive and confusion comes knocking at your door. 

Times of transition and life circumstances can have the effect of leaving you  feeling hopeless, lost, confused or overwhelmed.     And it’s a time when insightful encouragement, wisdom and life coaching can be a true and  remarkable blessing.  You deserve that help, and if you’ve just stumbled upon this site, trust it might just be what you are looking for.

Through highly intuitive insights coaching, consulting and empowerment mentoring you CAN break through, regain your footing and move forward with confidence and clarity.  Coachpreneur™Judyann can help!

Spot-on Insights, Spirit-Infused Coaching and God-inspired Consulting will bring clarity, affirmation and CONFIRMATION!  This unique combination of insights coaching, consulting and mentoring is God-designed to encourage, clarify,  equip, inspire, motivate and BLESS YOU and your life. 


‘It will be my privilege in assisting you to move into and through your personal ‘bullseye breakthroughs’.   It’s part of my blueprint ‘gifts of blessing’ and my divine assignment to step into your world and walk with you.    It is with JOY that I use my seer gifting and tap into God-breathed, Spirit-infused INSIGHTS that will bless, encourage, inspire and help motivate you to breakthrough, to success, fresh perspective, with new MOTIVATION.’  

What’s on your plate right now and you find yourself asking the question — ..’I’m just not sure which way to go’!

You’re not alone in transitioning THROUGH a difficult season, COMING OUT of a storm, or HEADING into one.  Life’s storms can leave you feeling uncertain, vulnerable and unable to see clearly, leaving you feeling fuzzy, unsure, unsafe and demotivated.

Are you wondering if you’ll ever recover from major loss, disappointments or times of transition that are making you feel stuck?  

Perhaps you’re a time of  facing an important decision that needs to be made,  one that would benefit you greatly from divine insights, God-inspired wisdom, confirmation and transformation consulting.  

Do you find yourself struggling within yourself to overcome a ‘keep going around the same mountain’ type issue that befuddles and keeps you stuck in a familiar place?

Oftentimes CLARITY comes as the seer gifting is prevailed upon bringing forth a words of wisdom, knowledge, healing, along with visual strategies and insights that may be just outside your current reach or perspective.  I know how thrilling it is to tap into the gifts, talents and abilities I’ve been given to help you access every aspect of yours!



Your personal insights coaching session is designed to help break you through, lifting you up and out on to a level playing field where you’ll  see more clearly, feel empowered and peaceful helping you take action out of the fog and into the fresh perspective place of clarity.


What encouragement TODAY could help break the endless merry-go-round mindsets that keep you in a self-fulfilling downward spiral.   Using her keen gift of insight am thrilled to insight a divine strategy to clear the cobwebs.

What insight could help ‘de-mist-ify’ the fog surrounding you, what visual would help confirm dreams, senses or feelings you’ve been experiencing in your everyday life.

Divine Insights Intuitive Session

The Divine Insights Consulting/Coach Sessions are approximately 45 – 60 minutes in duration and are offered in various packages.   As a bonus, I am including an insightful follow-up email with any key-point takeaways from our time together.

To Schedule your personal ‘Insights Sessions’,  send an email with your contact information and I’ll schedule you in as quickly as possible.  Let’s see if we are a fit.



 I look forward to helping you with your Brilliant Life by Divine Design!   Email today and we’ll get you scheduled in at the very earliest possible time for your introductory session!

There’s a Coaching Package designed just for you!  Email today.

CoachpreneurJudyann | Your Personal Spiritually Savvy Insights Coach

Brilliant Life by Divine Design®

All rights reserved.