Coachpreneur Judyann
  • All you need is love.

    John Lennon

    Pondering the New

    I wonder if I just take a moment to ponder this powerful new beginning what may come.’

    We’ve all tipped our hat to someone, given the high-five, thumbs up and you go girl!

    New beginnings speak of fresh start opportunities that may have taken a LONG time to come about.  But boy oh boy when it’s here, you sure know it.

    Today, expect that everything you’re feeling and sensing is real.  It’s on time, on point and just what you’ve dreamt about.

    As you take it all in, expect that this new juncture will have it’s high points and challenge points.


    Getting the support and encouragement you need is imperative!


    I look forward to stepping into your sphere of influence with you!


    Insights Coach Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design® LLC



  • Be a Joy Carrier



    Be the kind of person that others LOVE to be around. Bring energy, life and joy into each and every room you enter.

    Joy isn’t always happy, slappy carefree with unending smiles. Joy is an essence, a spiritual life-force. It’s tangible, touchable and palpable. You can touch others with joy and life. With your very presence, allow your JOYFUL-self to permeate the atmosphere.

    Be a JOY carrier. Choose joy!

    Brilliant Life by Divine Design – Transformational Coaching Beyond the Norm



  • Keep the Faith

    Do you have an area in which you are being PROVOKED?

    One way God clears our pathways for blessing is to provoke an area that blocks the blessing. Today, my post is on the ’victim mentality’.

    Are you being tricked into acting like a victim? Let God PROVOKE the blessing of overcoming.

    Whatever may be the trigger, if you catch yourself acting like a victim, pay CLOSE attention to what you are thinking and FEELING. Check your pulse, your energy level, your thought streams. Chances are they are all colliding in disarray!

    Catching the first negative thought, that VERY first barely audible inner alarm bell can be the turning point to the mindset, mood and attitude that wants to drag you to the corner of despair and self-doubt — the victim place.

    One aspect of breaking out of a mindset, a mentality that ambushes you whether in small or big ways is to be purposely PROVOKED. We all have our own triggers. Have you learned which ones want to rabbit-trail you to confusion and defeat?

    Maybe it’s another’s actions, flippant attitude, perhaps treating you ‘less than’, taking wrongly from you, not acknowledging your accomplishments, your giftings, ignoring you or just plain not valuing YOU. Or are YOU the one not valuing YOU? It might be a combination of both. Nonetheless, the classic enemy strategy is to talk you into (through thoughts and feelings) that you ARE the victim. You may notice especially as it concerns your giftings, your God-seeded desires and purpose, the things you’ve worked, fought hard for, and the deep matters of the heart.

    One aspect of overcoming and the lesson to be learned may be to get better at discerning when you sense the enemy is looking for an inroad to take you down the ‘pain lane’ — the lane of self-doubt, irritation or going into freeze mode — victim mode.

    You may be well aware of the easy areas that no longer pull you into negativity, doubt or victim-type thinking. You have easy success in those areas. But if you’re branching out, taking new territory, walking a new uncharted path, it can be a time of vulnerability and you probably feel less sure-footed.

    Recently, I had that very thing happen to me. It was an annoying matter that perhaps comes with the territory of new exposure in business, of ideas, concepts and strategies.  THIS TIME wisdom told me it was a ploy to get me drawn into doubt, fume or gloom at someone else’s unethical behavior. The surprising blessing is that it had EXACTLY the OPPOSITE EFFECT!

    I not only thought but felt the inner knowing and confirmation of what was transpiring. Someone not wanting to do their own work — strategizing, planning and creating in a particular business area, took the cheap route. Frustrating, irritating? Yes.  I had a choice to make. It was though an annoying voice of ‘what are you going to do?’ pushing me to DO SOMETHING. With crystal clear clarity the ‘tilt, tilt, tilt’ stop-gap insight came. The enemy wanted ME to feel somewhat victimized by THEIR bad behavior. This time the enemy overplayed his hand!

    This matter simply wasn‘t my problem. Their behavior, their actions would rest on their shoulders. If it was a matter that needed action or response, I trust God to show me in wisdom and peace what, how and when to do something. It took working through, but God PROVOKED the insight and BLESSING!

    Remember, the enemy ALWAYS overplays his hand!


    When something questionable and unfavorable comes across your path, trust that you don’t always have to know WHY you’re getting a check in your gut, but honor the check until it plays itself out. It will make itself known and on the other side of that perception is the victory of learning new ways of waiting and walking out the scenario — not allowing yourself to fall into inaction or overreaction.

    You can walk away peacefully knowing you didn’t buy the lie.

    The LIE is that in some circumstances the only pattern you have to use in dealing with the situation is to where the victim hat.

    In our faith walk,  without testings, it’s hard to measure progress. When the test is passed, your own test, the high-five inner confirmation arises. The sense of peace and freedom flow in your spirit.

    Today, be encouraged to allow your faith tests to turn you to a positive stance, the truthful place of peace, and UNDERSTANDING. The place of insight and cues about the experience you’re facing.

    Our willingness to learn and grow keeps us pliable and putty-like in God’s wonderful hand!

    Allow God to PROVOKE you, right straight into His blessing.

    Blessings on your divinely designed BRILLIANT life!

    Coachpreneur™Judyann | Your Personal Spiritually Savvy Insights Coach ©



    Brilliant Life by Divine Design LLC. ©